WACKER calendar with AR

There’s more to it than you think.

Close-up of a colourful toucan

Amazing colours, an amazing animal. A beautiful picture. Colourful. Below, an explanatory text on dispersion. A calendar picture – so far so good.

But it’s not over yet. Take out your smartphone or tablet, activate the WACKER Square AR App, scan the calendar picture and suddenly you have movement. The solution to the puzzle – augmented reality. A stodt core competency. And exactly the right medium to make WACKER products visible.


  • Communication consulting
  • Project management
  • Brand identity
  • ...


  • Experience design
  • Immersive design
  • Back-end development
  • Augmented Reality
  • ...


  • Chemistry
  • ...
WACKER calendar with AR function
Smartphone with the logo for the WACKER AR App

Download the WACKER Square AR App and open it using your mobile device.

Sketch of a smartphone with an AR magnifying glass

Open the AR function of the app.

Sketch of a smartphone and the AR calendar

Scan the calendar sheet of your choice.

Abstract display of the AR function

“Aha” effect guaranteed! The AR content opens and provides you with additional information.

Motif of the WACKER AR calendar

stodt competency XR

The WACKER Square App with its AR-based extension is the portal to new worlds of information and experiences. The stored AR content opens when you activate the AR function and scan a marker. This provides plenty of added value. Complex facts can be displayed and explained in a whole new way. Not only is this fascinating, more importantly it is helpful when it comes to conveying information which is not obvious at first glance. You get to experience WACKER products.

New oppor­tuni­ties in brand communi­cation

The calendar sheets visually display the immediate user benefits of the product, and this is combined with background information accessible via additional buttons. This is entertaining, creates the “aha” effect and also provides users with lots of factual knowledge. A successful bridge between print products and the digital world. And, of course, it can be used with all WACKER print products.

Simply try it out for yourself. Download the WACKER Square App forAndroidoriOS.


stodt GmbH
Schanzenstraße 38
Gebäude 81
51063 Cologne, Germany

Fon: +49 221 222514-30
Mail: info@stodt.de

business hours
Mon. – Thu.: 8:30 a.m – 5:00 p.m
Fri.: 8:30 a.m – 5:00 p.m

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