WITOS Paving web special

Process optimisation in road construction

Country road with truck and tractor

The innovative process and documentation tool WITOS Paving by JOSEPH VÖGELE AG consists of digitally networked modules that enable users to plan and organise building sites in a better and more efficient manner.


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Web special on the process and documentation tool WITOS Paving
Screenshot of the WITOS Paving app

How can such a complex process be explained in a simple, understandable and informative way?

The result of the close collaboration with VÖGELE: An application with parallax effects that first provides a complete overview in a 3D intro and then goes on to explain the individual modules and their interaction in detail. Films, animations, brochures and scenes from a live expert talk were all included here; the graphics were presented with care and great detail.

New content has again been added to the application first launched at bauma 2019. Simply see for yourself!

To the web special


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