Our agency magazine, stodtZeit

A review in print

A glowing light bulb

“Extra! Extra! Read all about it!” That’s what you might hear at stodt when our imaginary paperboy enthusiastically makes his rounds. While we’re proud of all the XR, relaunch and film projects, our in-house print product, stodtZeit, provides a much-welcomed analogue distraction and allows us to reflect on what we’ve achieved.


  • Project management
  • Communication planning
  • Brand identity
  • Brand storytelling
  • ...


  • Storytelling
  • Interview
  • Longcopy/shortcopy
  • Print design
  • ...


  • stodt
  • Agency
  • ...
stodtZeit – our review | Agency magazine
stodtZeit editions 3 and 4

Our agency magazine, stodtZeit, is an internal project very close to our hearts, one which brings together the entire editorial team and graphics team in equal measure. The previous four editions featured articles on various projects – showing our customers and interested readers what has driven, moved and occupied us over the past months.

Selection of different designs

Print is dead? Not at stodt!

Even in this digital age, print products are still the perfect medium to convey emotions and impart messages. Publications that we can touch make us feel that they are more valuable and they just seem more “real” somehow. Why is that? The psychology of haptics!

Inscription of the word “haptic”

Haptics: Grasping content

The term “haptic” comes from the Greek root “haptikó” (“pertaining to the sense of touch”) and “haptós” (“tangible”) and refers to the study of touching and feeling. Haptics play a special role in human perception. This sense of touch and feel is also our sense of truth that we use to explore auditory and visual impressions.

In this way, haptics help us grasp content in the truest sense of the word. Our feelings and perception of truth are addressed directly by touching and feeling, and this opens up enormous potential. Communications and products are received more positively through the haptic experience and are accorded greater authenticity.

The fourth edition of stodtZeit on a table

Fourth edition of stodtZeit as a PDF download

Not quite the same haptic experience when downloaded, unfortunately, but if you’re curious about our agency’s activities in 2018, simply dip into our stodtZeit 4. You can download the PDF here.

Download (German)

stodtZeit 4

Our magazine to browse

Browse our stodtZeit online here


stodt GmbH
Schanzenstraße 38
Gebäude 81
51063 Cologne, Germany

Fon: +49 221 222514-30
Mail: info@stodt.de

business hours
Mon. – Thu.: 8:30 a.m – 5:00 p.m
Fri.: 8:30 a.m – 5:00 p.m

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