
Junior Concept Developer

Yannick | Junior Concept Developer

Junior Concept Developer

Reigns the content world

Campaigns, storyboards, concepts and texts – it’s all about bringing content to life

Every project needs a creative initial spark. This is where our Junior Concept Developer Yannick comes in. Never losing sight of the bigger picture, he makes complicated things easy to understand.

Warm-up question for getting started:

What’s your name?


Titles, titles, titles:

What is your job title?

Junior Concept Developer.

Master, Dipl.-Ing. or Dr. med.:

What is your educational title, meaning what did you actually study?

I studied comparative literature and sound studies in combination.

What everyone has always wanted to know:

What do you do at stodt?

I think about our clients’ communication: what, how, where and why are they communicating? And then I find the answers to those questions.

In other words: I plan measures of live communication and media-integrating design and translate communication goals into advertising and communication campaigns.

Look behind the scenes:

What can you do and why?

Most of all, I can be curious. That is very helpful when you are developing a measure for complicated issues in the B2B sector. Understanding a matter helps you to talk about it.

I also like to be the strategist and plan the most pragmatic way to get from A to B. That also takes a little creativity and looking beyond your usual horizons.

Expertise in marketing communication, information transfer and media competence are pretty useful as well.

Experience is a good thing, too:

How long have you been with stodt?

Since October 2021. But it feels like it’s been a bit longer.

Customers, machines, pixels, a warm office or coffee:

Why are you passionate about your job?

I do what I do best. That keeps me from getting bored.

Besides, the best concept is worthless without good implementation. Here at stodt there are lots of people that bowl you over with their skills and are very likeable, too.

Be honest, but not so honest we have to censor your answer:

What gets on your nerves sometimes?

Sometimes, the impact of a measure is gradually lost going through the feedback loops when the costs and benefits are weighed. It’s a shame when that happens, but it is rare and can be easily avoided by talking to people. So it’s just luxury problems!

Yannick | Junior Concept Developer


stodt GmbH
Schanzenstraße 38
Gebäude 81
51063 Cologne, Germany

Fon: +49 221 222514-30
Mail: info@stodt.de

business hours
Mon. – Thu.: 8:30 a.m – 5:00 p.m
Fri.: 8:30 a.m – 5:00 p.m

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