

Natalie | Graphics

Graphic designer

Tidy-minded aesthete with a soft spot for gaming

The world of icons, infographics and typography is her thing, but apart from this her graphics skills are many. Typical childhood influence – even then, she wanted to make everything prettier. But she doesn’t like coffee – which is probably healthier anyway!

Warm-up question for getting started:

What’s your name?

Natalie de Vries – no ‘h’ and with ‘ie’!

Titles, titles, titles:

What is your job title?

At stodt I work as a graphic designer.

Master, Dipl.-Ing. or Dr. med.:

What is your educational title, meaning what did you actually study?

Oh, good question, let me think – I have a degree in graphic and communications design (RSAK GREY Worldwide) with an additional qualification in illustration. Before that, I did a distance learning programme in interior design.

What everyone has always wanted to know:

What do you do at stodt?

My graphics tasks vary widely. From image editing to website design all the way to polishing my colleagues’ PowerPoint presentations. I really love my icons, infographics and playing with typography in layout design.

Look behind the scenes:

What can you do and why?

I’m at home with Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign. I’m a big fan of clean and tidy work. My broad range of technical background knowledge helps for overlapping tasks with my colleagues: a little programming here, a bit of 3D there. And even my nerdy gaming knowledge has come in handy a few times.

I can familiarise myself with new topics quickly and am always open to questions and new challenges. And not least of all: I’m always happy to help if someone gets stuck on something. I’m usually very patient with others. Not so much with myself.

Experience is a good thing, too:

How long have you been with stodt?

I’ve been part of the stodt family since the summer of 2017.

Customers, machines, pixels, a warm office or coffee:

Why are you passionate about your job?

Ever since I was a child I have loved to shape my surroundings, make them more beautiful and clear. Order and aesthetics are very important to me, although my perfectionism is not always the healthiest thing. By the way, I don’t like coffee. When I was a kid, my grandmother gave me too much coffee with cream – that was enough. :D

Be honest, but not so honest we have to censor your answer:

What gets on your nerves sometimes?

What bothers me most is when a creative result is talked to death. I think that too much explanation, too much clarification harms the creative process. Tastes are different, as we all know – and sometimes you design something that isn’t to your own taste. As a graphic designer, it’s nice when you get the freedom to do as you like, after all, we learned how to do the work, know the graphic rules. Ultimately, we all just want to create the best solution we can!

Natalie | Graphics


stodt GmbH
Schanzenstraße 38
Gebäude 81
51063 Cologne, Germany

Fon: +49 221 222514-30

business hours
Mon. – Thu.: 8:30 a.m – 5:00 p.m
Fri.: 8:30 a.m – 5:00 p.m

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